Submit a scheduled event

Spirit of Rasputin’s is happy to present brief announcements of approaching music events, live, online or broadcast, which may interest our audience. We don’t post detailed information such as artist biographies, or image, video or audio files, but you can include links to these in the text of your announcement.

This page is for submitting scheduled events only. If you have a link to online music that may be accessed at any time, please submit your link here .

Note that links to your Facebook page may not reliably take the user to the specific post for your event. It may help to pin the post to the top of your page at Facebook. A link to your own website is preferable. In any case, please be sure the essential details are included when you fill out our form.

At our option, we may edit submitted text or decline to accept it.

Submit a one-time event.

Submit a recurring event.

Sponsors of recurring events: If the page describing your event is here on our site, please update us at about seasonal breaks and restarts. If the description is only on your own website or Facebook page, please make sure it is updated to reflect these changes.